Saturday, June 27, 2009


cleaning day

-- making lots of silly round owls, inspired by my souvenirs from Matsue Vogel Park from my trip from Matsue, Japan.

-- excited about seeing Ponyo! at the cinema! The art is so strange and amazing.

-- learning new exercises to do with my new (free!) body ball

-- browsing through want-ads and feeling pretty blah

-- finding new blogs to read that are full of beautiful things and ideas (any suggestions?)

-- putting in holds at the library. Since discovering the whole "library holds" system, I've been enjoying the silly thrill of pushing the online button to place holds with reckless abandon.

-- and, just for the fun of it, Ira Ira Ira!
cleaning day

1 comment:

  1. this is cute, like a "colibri", or a goblin living in the forest!
