Saturday, June 27, 2009


cleaning day

-- making lots of silly round owls, inspired by my souvenirs from Matsue Vogel Park from my trip from Matsue, Japan.

-- excited about seeing Ponyo! at the cinema! The art is so strange and amazing.

-- learning new exercises to do with my new (free!) body ball

-- browsing through want-ads and feeling pretty blah

-- finding new blogs to read that are full of beautiful things and ideas (any suggestions?)

-- putting in holds at the library. Since discovering the whole "library holds" system, I've been enjoying the silly thrill of pushing the online button to place holds with reckless abandon.

-- and, just for the fun of it, Ira Ira Ira!
cleaning day

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Voila! These were my first experiment from Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, blueberry cupcakes with whipped cream topping! I'm pretty proud with how they turned out, it's not often that things I make actually come out looking like they're supposed to (it's like a curse). The book's gorgeous, well laid-out, and full of adorable ideas for everything from simple everyday cakes to spectacular party cakes with decorative doohickeys like I can only dream of. My favorites have little marzipan bees on them.

Who knows how the recipes are -- I'm hardly expert enough to say -- but these were awesome and I'm fired up to make more! ^_^/V It's one I'm thinking of investing in, but for now it's going to stay with me on extended loan from the library.